29 research outputs found

    Cross-lingual Emotion Detection

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    Emotion detection is of great importance for understanding humans. Constructing annotated datasets to train automated models can be expensive. We explore the efficacy of cross-lingual approaches that would use data from a source language to build models for emotion detection in a target language. We compare three approaches, namely: i) using inherently multilingual models; ii) translating training data into the target language; and iii) using an automatically tagged parallel corpus. In our study, we consider English as the source language with Arabic and Spanish as target languages. We study the effectiveness of different classification models such as BERT and SVMs trained with different features. Our BERT-based monolingual models that are trained on target language data surpass state-of-the-art (SOTA) by 4% and 5% absolute Jaccard score for Arabic and Spanish respectively. Next, we show that using cross-lingual approaches with English data alone, we can achieve more than 90% and 80% relative effectiveness of the Arabic and Spanish BERT models respectively. Lastly, we use LIME to interpret the differences between models

    BeaSku at CheckThat! 2021:Fine-tuning sentence BERT with triplet loss and limited data.

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    Misinformation and disinformation are growing problems online. The negative consequences of the proliferation of false claims became especially apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, there is a need to detect and to track false claims. However, this is a slow and time-consuming process, especially when done manually. At the same time, the same claims, with some small variations, spread simultaneously across many accounts and even on different platforms. One promising approach is to develop systems for detecting new instances of claims that have been previously fact-checked online, as in the CLEF-2021 CheckThat! Lab Task-2b. Here we describe our system for this task. We fine-tuned sentence BERT using triplet loss, and we experimented with two types of augmented datasets. We further combined BM25 scores with language model similarity scores as features in a reranker. The official evaluation results have put our BeaSku system at the second place

    That is a Known Lie: Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims

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    The recent proliferation of "fake news" has triggered a number of responses, most notably the emergence of several manual fact-checking initiatives. As a result and over time, a large number of fact-checked claims have been accumulated, which increases the likelihood that a new claim in social media or a new statement by a politician might have already been fact-checked by some trusted fact-checking organization, as viral claims often come back after a while in social media, and politicians like to repeat their favorite statements, true or false, over and over again. As manual fact-checking is very time-consuming (and fully automatic fact-checking has credibility issues), it is important to try to save this effort and to avoid wasting time on claims that have already been fact-checked. Interestingly, despite the importance of the task, it has been largely ignored by the research community so far. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we formulate the task and we discuss how it relates to, but also differs from, previous work. We further create a specialized dataset, which we release to the research community. Finally, we present learning-to-rank experiments that demonstrate sizable improvements over state-of-the-art retrieval and textual similarity approaches.Comment: detecting previously fact-checked claims, fact-checking, disinformation, fake news, social media, political debate

    Automated Fact-Checking for Assisting Human Fact-Checkers

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    The reporting and analysis of current events around the globe has expanded from professional, editor-lead journalism all the way to citizen journalism. Politicians and other key players enjoy direct access to their audiences through social media, bypassing the filters of official cables or traditional media. However, the multiple advantages of free speech and direct communication are dimmed by the misuse of the media to spread inaccurate or misleading claims. These phenomena have led to the modern incarnation of the fact-checker -- a professional whose main aim is to examine claims using available evidence to assess their veracity. As in other text forensics tasks, the amount of information available makes the work of the fact-checker more difficult. With this in mind, starting from the perspective of the professional fact-checker, we survey the available intelligent technologies that can support the human expert in the different steps of her fact-checking endeavor. These include identifying claims worth fact-checking; detecting relevant previously fact-checked claims; retrieving relevant evidence to fact-check a claim; and actually verifying a claim. In each case, we pay attention to the challenges in future work and the potential impact on real-world fact-checking.Comment: fact-checking, fact-checkers, check-worthiness, detecting previously fact-checked claims, evidence retrieva

    Overview of CheckThat! 2020: Automatic Identification and Verification of Claims in Social Media

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    We present an overview of the third edition of the CheckThat! Lab at CLEF 2020. The lab featured five tasks in two different languages: English and Arabic. The first four tasks compose the full pipeline of claim verification in social media: Task 1 on check-worthiness estimation, Task 2 on retrieving previously fact-checked claims, Task 3 on evidence retrieval, and Task 4 on claim verification. The lab is completed with Task 5 on check-worthiness estimation in political debates and speeches. A total of 67 teams registered to participate in the lab (up from 47 at CLEF 2019), and 23 of them actually submitted runs (compared to 14 at CLEF 2019). Most teams used deep neural networks based on BERT, LSTMs, or CNNs, and achieved sizable improvements over the baselines on all tasks. Here we describe the tasks setup, the evaluation results, and a summary of the approaches used by the participants, and we discuss some lessons learned. Last but not least, we release to the research community all datasets from the lab as well as the evaluation scripts, which should enable further research in the important tasks of check-worthiness estimation and automatic claim verification.Comment: Check-Worthiness Estimation, Fact-Checking, Veracity, Evidence-based Verification, Detecting Previously Fact-Checked Claims, Social Media Verification, Computational Journalism, COVID-1

    Overview of the CLEF-2022 CheckThat! Lab Task 1 on Identifying Relevant Claims in Tweets

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    We present an overview of CheckThat! lab 2022 Task 1, part of the 2022 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). Task 1 asked to predict which posts in a Twitter stream are worth fact-checking, focusing on COVID-19 and politics in six languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, Spanish, and Turkish. A total of 19 teams participated and most submissions managed to achieve sizable improvements over the baselines using Transformer-based models such as BERT and GPT-3. Across the four subtasks, approaches that targetted multiple languages (be it individually or in conjunction, in general obtained the best performance. We describe the dataset and the task setup, including the evaluation settings, and we give a brief overview of the participating systems. As usual in the CheckThat! lab, we release to the research community all datasets from the lab as well as the evaluation scripts, which should enable further research on finding relevant tweets that can help different stakeholders such as fact-checkers, journalists, and policymakers